Identifying major and minor triads

Identifying major and minor triads

We often hear that introducing concepts using multiple sensory modes (sight, sound, touch, etc.) can help cement long-term learning. When you pair games that work on ear training with worksheets that involve writing things out and identifying what they see, students really get a chance to build comprehension.

These games and worksheets can help you music students really understand major and minor triads.

Game IDs #3263G and #2570G - Major and Minor Triads

Once students have learned the definitions of major and minor, these games help music students connect the terms to what they sound like.

How are these games played?

Game #3263G – Students click on one of seven play buttons to listen to a major or minor melodic chord, followed by the harmonic chord. Then they drag that circle to the cute animals at the bottom labeled “minor” and “major”.

Game #2570G – This game looks different, using a honeycomb and honeybee theme, but functions almost the same. When clicking on one of the honeycomb, students hear the blocked version first, then the triad broken apart, and then drag it to the honeypot labeled “minor” or “major”.

Who is this game a good fit for?

It is helpful if students can read so they can tell which choice at the bottom is major or minor. But teachers and parents can easily explain to readers who struggle.

These games align very well to method levels that cover melodic and harmonic major and minor triads, such as Piano Adventures 2A and 2B.

How do I find these games?

To find these games and assign them to your students, use the search icon in the top left of the app site and search for either 3263G or 2570G.


Game ID 3263G

Worksheet IDs #3256W , #1621W, #1622W

In these worksheets, students break down major and minor root-position chords into their individual parts.

What concepts are covered?

In Worksheet #3256W, students compare several piano keyboard positions and identify if the marked keys comprise a major or minor triad.

In Worksheets #1621W and #1622W, only the notation for the chord is provided, and students then identify if the notes shown represent a major or minor triad.

What do students need to know before using these worksheets?

The first worksheet (3256W) is great for students who are playing the triads by ear, since no reading on the staff is required.

The second and third worksheets, however, do require students to be able to read root position triads in melodic form on the Treble Staff (1621W) and Bass Staff (1622W).

How do I find these worksheets?

As with the games, just type in the Worksheet ID# into the search bar on the top-right corner of the web app.



Collage of Worksheets 1621W, 1622W, and 3256W
Reviewing Major Triads

Reviewing Major Triads

Worksheet ID #2491W - C Major Triad

If you’re looking for a worksheet to review the C major triad, look no further! Build a triad with letter names, mark where it belongs on the keyboard, and write where it lives on the Bass and Treble Staves.

Ready to review other major triads?

Here are all the worksheets in this series:

  • A Major – #2496W
  • B Major – #2497W
  • C Major – #2491W
  • D Major – #2492W
  • E Major – #2493W
  • F Major – #2494W
  • G Major – #2495W
What do students need to know before using these worksheets?

This series of worksheets is helpful for students who have learned almost all the notes on the Grand Staff and are familiar with major scales that start on a white key. It correlates well with students in Piano Adventures Levels 2A and 2B, but any student can use them.

How do I find these worksheets?

Quickly find one at a time by using the search icon in the top left of the app site to enter the ID number you’re looking for. Or you can view them all at once by visiting the category Chords and then filtering for Worksheets and Major Triads.



Identifying Chord Sounds

Identifying Chord Sounds

Game ID #3247G - Same or Different

Part of setting up our music students for success is teaching them to listen to what they hear. It seems so easy for us teachers, but some students really struggle to tell the difference between two groups of sounds. That’s why this SproutBeat chords ear training game is so helpful!

How is this game played?

In this game, students don’t have to label or describe what they hear. They just click one of the play buttons and notice if the pairs of sounds are the same or different. Then, they drag each play-button circle to either the frogs that are the same or the frogs that are different—no reading required!

Before starting, students can choose to play with a 30-second timer or without. You might choose to play without the timer during their music lesson, but then challenge them to play with the timer during the week. Students can also play it multiple times to beat their previous score.

Who is this game a good fit for?

The chord audio samples are major and minor triads in Treble Clef, making this game a perfect fit for those in Piano Adventures Level 2A or other similar methods. Again, students don’t have to be able to play chords to be successful at this game. They just need to be able to identify if the chords match or are different.

When paired with SproutBeat’s other chords ear training games, you can build a customized comprehensive music theory program tailored to each student.

How do I find this game?

To find this game and assign it to your students, use the search icon in the top left of the app site and search for “3247G”. It’s also under the Ear Training category.
