Tutorial Videos Here are some videos to help you and your students get the most out of SproutBeat. Five videos to get you started 1. Learn your way around the SproutBeat app 2. How to write on a worksheet and play a game 3. Create a student account 4. Send assignments, grade worksheets, and check homework 5. See what it's like for students Customize your “My Library” section 1. Use lists and sublists to set up your own organization system 2. How to add games and worksheets to your lists and sublists 3. Edit or delete lists and sublists Making changes to your account 1. How to edit your account or change your plan 2. Edit and manage your students' info Managing a multi-teacher studio 1. Create employee teacher accounts and connect students 2. Manage employee teacher accounts Taking your SproutBeat to the next level 1. Create a shortcut to open the web app with one click 2. Use the groups feature to send assignments all at once 3. Pair games with worksheets to enhance learning 4. Personalize game and worksheet instructions for your whole studio or just one student SproutBeat for students Feel free to share this video with your students to help them get started. Resources that make your students smile See Plans Contact Us