Phyllis Pan
SproutBeat has been a wonderful resource for my in-person as well as online teaching. With the number of resources Eik has created, I am able to customize assignments for students according to their individual needs.
The app has made it very easy for students to write out answers and for teachers to correct. Teachers and students also have the option of printing them if needed. Directions on the worksheets are simple, leaving it very open for each teacher’s own unique way of teaching.
The interactive games that supplement the worksheets have also kept my students engaged and motivated. I’ve used them often in my theory group classes. Because many of the worksheets are short and quick, it doesn’t cover so much time in the private lessons, and students don’t need to feel overwhelmed.
Over the years that I’ve known Eik, I’ve appreciated how she has been passionately in tune with the needs of her client piano teachers and how she takes the time to call and put out messages to check in with their needs. She gradually adapts to change, knowing that over time, it would be inevitable. She addresses new needs, recently creating new templates for online teaching, new worksheets to address new music concepts teachers need, a new search engine, and now helping teachers correlate the materials with the piano methods they are using with their students. She understands now how teachers and students are getting more overwhelmed with the use of apps on their iPads and has begun to work on making it simpler for everyone, more accessible on the web browser.
Thank you again, Eik, for everything you’ve done for us teachers!